09.03.2011 09:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Which MacBook should you buy?

CNET compares the 13" MacBooks, the Air, Pro, and White (aka "The MacBook Just Known as MacBook but which I call the WhiteBook") and tries to figure out how to tell you which one you should buy. The results are not all that surprising: if you want impressive benchmarks, get the Pro. If you want to get the most for the least amount of money, get the WhiteBook. The problem is that it seems like CNET's author hasn't actually used a MacBook Air, because the most he can muster are some standard lines about the Air. Some of these are left-handed compliments at best such as, "If thinness and swift start-up times truly matter, the MacBook Air isn't a terrible deal," and "The light weight and quick boot times will be appreciated, and it

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