07.03.2011 17:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Fremont Motors shows off Fido electric scooter prototype

Most scooters are generally a bit offbeat in appearance, but Seattle's Fremont Motors has truly gone the extra mile with its new, all-electric Fido prototype. That eye-catching design also incorporates a good bit of practicality, however, including wheels that are the same size and can be easily removed, a battery beneath the floorboard that can also be easily replaced (and charged indoors), and even a removable storage case under the seat that can be worn as a backpack. In terms of performance, you can expect to get a range of up to 35 miles on a charge, and hit a top speed of 45 mph. Of course, it is still just a prototype, but Fremont Motors is plann

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