07.03.2011 17:09 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Terminally Geeky: use automatic login more securely

Imagine if you rebooted your computer, and it automatically logged you in, launched all of your login apps, updated your Dropbox folder, MobileMe, email, RSS, Twitter, and everything else without you even having to enter your password. That auto-login capability is built into your Mac, and in fact it may be the default setting on your Mac, so this may be how you're used to operating. But if you're like me, you disabled auto-login for security reasons, so when you reboot your Mac, it stops at the login screen, waiting for you to enter (or click on) your login name, and then enter your password. What if you could have both? What if you could have the security of the login screen with the convenience of automatic login? That's what

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