04.03.2011 23:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sirius XM to debut Tiger Blood Radio: all Charlie Sheen, all day long

Charlie Sheen has a pretty impressive track record: in addition to a twenty-five-plus year movie career, he's brought tacky bowling shirts to the forefront of American consciousness, earned a Golden Globe Icon award, and shot his onetime fiance Kelly Preston. Is this enough to warrant an entire radio channel dedicated to the man who describes himself as having a "10,000-year-old brain and the boogers of a 7-year-old"? Apparently Sirius XM certainly thinks so. That's right: the company has announced that Tiger Blood Radio will air for twenty-four hours beginning tomorrow at 6:00 am ET on Sirius channel 108 and XM channel 139. "[C]reated in respo

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