02.03.2011 19:36 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Apple announces iPad 2 in 2 colors, will feature dual cameras and A5 chip

After much fanfare, Apple officially announced the iPad 2 today with a new dual-core processor called the A5 and both rear and front-facing cameras. It is up to two times faster than the A4 chip and nine times faster graphics with the same amount of power consumption. The iPad 2 also has the gyroscope found in the iPhone 4 and the current-generation iPod Touch. The iPad 2 is 33 percent thinner than the current model and weighs 1.3 pounds, and is even thinner than the iPhone 4: The iPhone 4 is 9.3 mm thick while the iPad 2 is 8.8 mm thick. It will be available in both white and black, with the white model available on day one (avoiding the fiasco that surrounded the while iPhone 4). There will be models that work with both AT&T and Verizon. The iPad 2 will also ha

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