27.05.2010 17:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Mvix intros HDHome S2 and S4 media servers: HTPCs, with a capacious twist

You know, HTPCs never did anything to deserve the worldwide shunning that they're dealing with right about now, and Mvix apparently couldn't care less about the overall lack of interest in buying a PC that's chained down to the den. Rather shockingly (given the company's past endeavors), the HDHome S2 and S4 are the latest to emerge on the living room scene, but unlike most other pre-built HTPCs, this one has an atypically weak processor and an unusually large amount of storage capacity. Both boxes get powered by a dual-core Atom 330 CPU, yet you'll also find a Blu-ray player, HDMI output, Bluetooth 2.0, a half dozen USB 2.0 sockets, WiFi, an embedded TV tuner and y

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