12.05.2010 06:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Dell Latitude E4310 officially launches, brings E5410 and E5510 along for the ride

Being the eagle-eyed scouts that we are, we already alerted you to the new 13.3-inch Latitude E4310 and its fine looking product page, but Dell's putting all of its cards on the table today with pricing and availability. Starting at $1,149, the new 1.1-inch thick, corporate-looking laptop will be avilable later this month with Core i5 CPUs as well as your choice of SSD and hard drive options. That's above the $1,000 threshold, but we're told that's because of its durable tri-metal build and backlit keyboard, both of which sound delightfully delightful. We're curious to see the ma

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