22.04.2010 14:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sony magically adds third dimension to new soundbars, 5.1 sound system

We heard the words "3D" and "sound system" smashed together back at CES, and frankly, we didn't give it too much thought. Now, however, we're really scratching our heads. In reality, we're guessing that 3D audio is just the 2010 way of saying simulated surround sound, as the 3.1 channel HT-CT350 and HT-CT150 soundbars a) don't require special glasses to use and b) look fairly flat to us. At any rate, the new bars -- along with the 1,000 watt HT-SF470 5.1 surround system -- feature "3D pass-through" with an HDMI repeater (three inputs, one output). The 400 watt HT-CT350 steps it up by shipping with a mounting bracket that affixes i

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