14.04.2010 08:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Mobile DTV gains national mobile content service, broadcast group support

If there's one thing a fledgling technology needs, it's good marketing. That aside, the next most vital thing is industry support. Today, an even dozen broadcast groups have banded together in order to back the soon-to-launch Mobile DTV format (ATSC-M/H), with Belo, Cox, E.W. Scripps, Fox, Gannett, Hearst, ION, Media General, Meredith, NBC, Post-Newsweek and Raycom forming a joint venture to develop a "new national mobile content service." The service will utilize the broadcast spectrum already set aside in order to allow member companies to "provide content to mobile devices, including live and on-demand video, local and national n

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