20.11.2009 12:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sony 280-inch 3D LED display headed to Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong

Look, we get the whole drive behind this 3D thing. For some, there's no better way to experience sports, films, or console game play and consumer electronics companies are desperate for a source of new revenue. But creating a 280-inch 3D LED display meant for public areas doesn't make a lot of sense long-term unless we're expected to carry those swank, polarized glasses everywhere we go. Nevertheless, Sony was demonstrating the 6.4 x 3.4-meter behemoth at the International Broadcast Equipment Exhibition 2009 in Japan. The panel combines 70 LED displays into a single monstrosity of overlapping images. If nothing else this "3D LED Wall" demonstrates Sony's rabid commitment to 3D for 2010 and an ominous futu

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