17.11.2009 14:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Evoluce ONE gives you 47 inches of multitouch surface to play with (video)

We're kind of late to this party, but better late than never, right? At the end of last month, German company Evoluce announced its 47-inch multitouch display, touting Full HD (or 1920 x 1080) resolution and "Integrated-Through-Screen-Optics," which allow it to recognize an unlimited number of simultaneous inputs. The ONE also features haptic feedback and is compatible with Windows 7's multitouch features right out of the box, with support for some "other OS" also planned. If you're thinking this looks like a legit competitor to Microsoft's Surface, well, you'd be right. We've got the full PR for you after the break, as well as hands-on video of the (relatively) new device.

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