05.11.2009 23:35 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

RIM plans $1.2b stock buy-back as iPhone factor impacts growth

BlackBerry-maker, Research In Motion (RIM), has announced plans to repurchase $1.2 billion in stock in order to compensate shareholders for the company’s slowing rate of growth.RIM forecast its sales would slow down in its third quarter to deliver numbers shy of analyst projections, which Bloomberg terms as a sign it may have to reduce product prices to take in the iPhone.The company isn’t too concerned at the cost of the stock buyback, saying that it would be able to continue to work on company growth, because it has plenty of cash in the bank and steady cash flow models for the coming quarters.It intends repurchasing c.3.6% of its outstanding stock, around 21 million shares.This news emerges as market chatter c

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