04.11.2009 08:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Adobe publicly accuse Apple of restricting access to Flash technology on the iPhone

Since the beginning of the existence of the iPhone, one of the recurring complaints has been that Flash is not supported. This is an enormous problem for the detractors of the telephone and some of its owners. But Apple seems inflexible on this point, Flash allows the execution of code not under their control. Until now, Adobe criticized often this state of affairs, but kept it soft suitable for a future reconciliation. It seems that this is over as this screen capture shows.  This is the message posted if one tries to download the Flash Player from the iPhone. Apple restricts the use of technologies needed for the products like Player Flash. Until Apple eliminates these restrictions, Adobe cannot provide Flash Player for the iPhone or the iPod Touch. The tone is set, and one notes h

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