04.11.2009 00:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Install a SSD in an iMac 24"

the administrator if the website thatsiebguy.com installed a SSD in an iMac 24" to replace the original HD. The SSD model being a 2.5" instead of the designed 3.5" support, he used an adaptor, but everything is working fine and the reactivity of the computer is dramatically increased.We think it would be smarter to exchange the SuperDrive with a SSD, similarly to the procedure we used for the MacBook Pro. Several reasons for this approach: : relatively cheap and handy adaptor the large storage capacity of the original HD is preserved even with a Firewire 800 port, an external HD is always slower than an internal SATA HD however, an external HD will be faster than the one installed originally in the iMac. Of course, this is only true if you iMac features a SATA SuperDrive, you can find it in the System information, and it should be true for all GeF

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