03.11.2009 00:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Lenovo's all-in-one ThinkCentre gets official, becomes A70z

Lenovo let the word about this one out a little early, but it's just now gotten fully official with its very first all-in-one ThinkCentre desktop, now formally known as the ThinkCentre A70z. Set to roll out by the end of November, this expectedly angular little number packs a 19-inch, 16:10 display up front, along with your choice of Celeron or Core 2 Duo processors, a max 500GB hard drive, a DVD burner, and a range of particularly business-minded features to keep things as stripped down as possible -- even the built-in WiFi is optional. Head on past the break for a complete video overview courtesy of Lenovo itself, and look for this one to start at just $499 when it lands later this month.

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