21.10.2009 17:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

OnStar's Stolen Vehicle Slowdown used to recover carjacked vehicle, baffle carjacker (video)

So, picture this. You get the itch to start some chaos at around 3AM local time. You snatch up your stolen shotgun, load a few slugs in there and roll out with a mind to come home in a shiny new vehicle. As fate would have it, you choose to carjack a 2009 Chevy Tahoe, and while everything seems kosher at first (look, there's even a half-full bottle of Coke Zero over there!), the mighty V8 just seems to be struggling all of a sudden. As the horrifying reality sets in (you know, the one that involves the accelerator not functioning any longer), you're left with no choice but to curse OnStar's Stolen Vehicle Sl

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