21.10.2009 01:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Engadget Show with Steve Ballmer tapes Thursday, October 22nd -- here's how to attend (or livestream it)!

If you've heard that the next Engadget Show will be featuring a live, one-on-one interview with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (on the Windows 7 launch day, no less) -- you've heard correctly. Additionally, our good friend Bit Shifter will be there providing chiptune jams, and Paris and Outpt will be on hand for some brain searing visual art. And of course, the editors of the site will sit down for a roundtable discussion of the week in news. If you'd like to join us for the live taping, you can -- just check out the info below. If you can't make it in the flesh, don't worry. We'll be livestreaming on the day-of, and we'll also have a full, edited version of the Show available just a few days later for download via the site, iTunes, or the Zune M

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