06.10.2009 08:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

HTC Imagio pops live on Verizon with Windows Mobile 6.5

It's October 6th. A magical date in Redmond that will see the official launch of Windows Mobile 6.5 and the glorious onslaught of handsets upon which to ride. Like the HTC Imagio for example, now live on Verizon for $199 with a 2-year tithe. That price nabs a 5 megapixel autofocus cam, VZ Navigator, and V CAST mobile TV viewable on that 3.6-inch, WVGA display. Naturally, it also packs HTC's TouchFLO 3D UI. So, pull the trigger now VZW customers or wait to see what the day r

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