03.10.2009 10:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Optoma's $199 PK-100 pico projector goes for the bargain crowd

You know what's better than a PK-101? A PK-102. You know what's not better than a PK-101? A PK-100. Unless, of course, you're focused solely on price. Quietly announced to hit the lower-end market, the PK-100 is described as a simplified version of its more sophisticated siblings, boasting the same DLP-based engine as well as 11 ANSI lumens of brightness and a 1,000:1 contrast ratio. Unfortunately, you'll only find a single composite video input and a 480 x 320 native resolution, but hey, for an estimated retail price of $199, what else did y

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