28.09.2009 21:06 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

VideoLAN updated to 64-Bit support, but you might want to hold off...

The good news?  VideoLAN, the multi-purpose, cross platform, open source video encoder/decoder was updated this week to a 64-bit version 1.02 (yes we're aware of Perian).  While you shouldn't expect to see too much speed improvement or CPU optimization from the new code, the upgrade does improve overall performance and plugs a few security holes. Note from the site: After almost 2 months and 27 million downloads of VLC 1.0.1, the VLC team is proud to present the third version of the Goldeneye branch of VLC: 1.0.2! This version introduces many fixes, notably for SSA decoding, v4l2, MacOS interface, ogg/theora, x264 modules and

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