28.09.2009 18:36 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

App store tops 2 billion downloads, 85,000 apps

The numbers keep piling up for the App Store.  Today, Apple announced that the iPhone App Store downloads surpassed two billion and the number of apps available for download surpassed 85,000.  The App store hit a billion downloads in late April and turned a year old in July with 1.5 billion tallied.  App Store by the Numbers: 2 Billion: Apps downloaded 85,000: Apps available 125,000: developers 50,000,000: iPhone and iPod touch customers 500,000,000: Apps this quarter alone >10,000,000 Average apps per day average currently Apple's Press release follows: CUPERTINO, California—September 28, 2009—Apple® today announced that more than

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