28.09.2009 11:21 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

New Zealand making drivers with cellphone navigation criminals, hugs ok for now

Starting in November, use of your cellphone's GPS navigation capabilities will be illegal for drivers on New Zealand roadways while dedicated SatNav devices without voice capability are still ok. In fact, use of your modern cellphone as an in-vehicle MP3 player, compass, etc. will all be illegal under Road User Amendment Rule 2009. Here's how it reads currently:"A driver must not, while driving a vehicle, create, send, or read a text message on a mobile phone or make, receive, or terminate a telephone call on a mobile phone or use a mobile phone in any other way."A law this broad would also make your car's integrated cellphone entertainment system illegal. There are exceptions of course, one of which allows drivers to use a mobile phone to ma

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