28.09.2009 06:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

iPhone: MMS Finally Available in USA

If in most countries where the iPhone is available, the version 3.0 of the iPhone OS brought support for MMS, our US readers had to wait till yesterday to finally get it working in their country too. The reason of such long delay was directly linked to the insufficient network infrastructure developed by AT&T, the carrier was not ready to support this option when Apple made it available in its OS. This hardware update most likely costs AT&T quite some money and as a consequence prices of MMS are rather expensive in USA: 20 cents per MMS, 20 USD for unlimited MMS, 15 USD for 1,500 message or 5 USD for 200 MMS. If one considers that mail are unlimited and included in a data plan, the success of MMS will most likely be limited in USA.

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