09.09.2009 06:51 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Claimed 2TB iDisk upgrades spark iTunes in the cloud rumor-machine

How much storage do you need for Time Machine back-ups? Added to which, how much do you use for casual back-ups and your iTunes library? Perhaps a Terabyte or two? Interesting then is a late night Cult of Mac report which suggests some MobileMe users are seeing their iDIsk storage capacity seemingly raised to 2TB. We’ve checked our own accounts and these still read 10GB, and the comments in Leander Kahney’s story suggest these 2TB storage explosions are isolated incidents, at best, that’s if they’re true at all. Sure, you can already get up to 60GB of additional storage through MobileMe for a fee.  But what would a 2TB capacity through MobileMe m

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