09.09.2009 00:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Facebook for Android hits the Market, still playing a bit of catch up

Well, it's taken a little while, but it looks like Android users now have a Facebook app to call their own. As you might expect from an initial release, however, the app is a bit less full featured than some of its counterparts and, judging from the few initial comments, a bit buggy. The good news is that you'll be able to do all the basics like share status updates, check your news feed, look at your friends' walls, and even check up to 125 of your friends' phone numbers straight from the home screen. You won't, however, get things like messaging or chat and, at least at the moment, it appears to have some particular problems with the HTC Hero and HTC Magic (although those reports are obviously still

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