30.08.2009 21:05 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Analyst: "MacBook Air has some of the aesthetic qualities of the tablet"

CNET has an incredibly vague analyst quote mentioning that Apple's tablet resembles the MacBook Air.  Brook Crothers says: I will make an exception--which I almost never do--and not identify the analyst. He claims to have seen a prototype of the Apple tablet and would prefer not to be identified. (Yeah, I know, more than a few analysts claim they have seen the furtive device. But I will go out on a limb and say I trust him. He claims the MacBook Air has some of the aesthetic qualities of the tablet.) Crorthers goes on to explain that the technology industry is waiting with baited breath on the Apple Tablet so that it can turn out the duplicates. He po

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