25.08.2009 23:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

The future Macbook Pro will run slower?

One starts to know a little more about the next processors for laptops based on the Nehalem architecture that Intel will launch at the very beginning of 2010 and that Apple will doubtless use for the next major revision of its laptops. They are known at Intel under their internal code name, Arrendale. To start, we should, with the image of what has already happened with the Mac Pro at the time of passing to the Nehalem, expect a reduction in the frequency. The fastest Arrendale, will be the Core i7 620M. The base frequency of its two cores will be 2,66 GHz. However it will be possible to overclock automatically up to 3,33 GHz as long as the total thermal envelope does not exceed a threshold fixed in advance by Intel. The TDP of these processors will be of 35W, the usual maximum threshold for Apple and its MacBook Pro. The quality of the cooling of these processors will thus be more important than before.  However, there will not only be machines with hotter proces

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