07.08.2009 11:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

AgfaPhoto intros beginner-friendly Optima 1, 100 and 102 cameras

AgfaPhoto might want you to believe that its Optima range of cams is "perfect for the ambitious photographer," but in truth they're entry-level shooters with a slant toward helping the less technically gifted. The new cameras come with 28 automated functions, such as a 'beauty mode' that masks skin imperfections, and a quirky 1920 x 1080 picture format for making widescreen photos that match your 1080p display. The Optima 1 and 102 (pictured) share a 12 megapixel sensor, but diverge on optical zoom (5x versus 3x) and LCD size (2.7 inches versus 3 inches), while the 100 is essentially a 102 scaled down to 10 megapixels. Shaping up as a decent proposition for the often overlooked untrained photographer, the trio will

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