29.07.2009 13:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Onkyo shows pride in its DV-BD507 Blu-ray player with lofty $449 price tag

Onkyo's never been one to dabble in the Blu-ray bargain basement, but with BD decks selling for well under the $200 mark, we're wondering what kind of secret sauce is boxed in with the DV-BD507. The outfit's latest Profile 2.0 player doesn't sound too special based on specs alone, as it supports HDMI 1.3a, 1080p output, BD-Live functionality and BonusView features just like every other respectable rival on the market already. Sure, we can't say we don't appreciate its innate ability to process AVCHD files stored on SD / SDHC cards or toasted DVDs, but even on a good day we can't justify the

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