27.07.2009 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Nehalem Mobile: Early 2010

Digitimes published some information obtained from different notebook manufacturers. Intel should launch its new platform entitled Calpella between September 29th and October 23rd. They will release at the same time 3 new quad core CPUs whose clock speed will range between 1.6 and 2.0 GHz. We do not think that Apple will use such CPU. Of course, having a quad core iMac or MacBook Pro might be interesting, but with such low frequency it might not be such a performance gain as most application remain at best optimized for 2 cores.Things should become more interesting in Q1 2010 as the first Arrandale CPU (engraved at 32 nm with integrated GPU) should be launched, and it could be a perfect timing for Apple for refreshing the current MacBook Pro offer, as well as the MacBook air. 

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