20.07.2009 06:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Amazon Big Brother Is Watching You

Last week, Amazon deleted some files saved on customers Kindle without any notice or explanation. Customers account were credited back for those deleted files.  It seems that Amazon sold some novels or electronic books without having the rights or proper agreements to do so. In such case, it would then be considered as counterfeit. So, the famous online store decided to remotely delete all those files on customers kindles to avoid any legal action from the right owners. The best part of this story is that among the list of books illegally sold was the famous anticipation assay from George Orwell, "1984" aka Big Brother IT is always a bit scary to see files purchased "legally" from online store to be modified, edited or even deleted by the store or any third party. You think you legally own it, and can make use of it, but not the dead music online store from Yahoo

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