16.07.2009 07:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Computer sales will be down in 2010

According to the last analysis of iSuppli, world sales of computers should drop in 2009, a first since 2001 and the collapse of bubble Internet. Without surprises, and according to the tendency evident over several years, the desktop machines should take heaviest cut by losing 18,1% their sales. Servers will not be celebrating either with a reduction of 9,5%. However, the sector of the portables, already the largest, should see their sales increasing by 11,5%. Another study finds that the sales of ultra portables cannibalise those of the top-of-the-range portables.  To finish, it will be necessary to wait until July 21 to find out the tendency for Apple who will then give the figures from the last quarter. According to many sources, they will be very good. 

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