27.03.2009 13:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Acer ships Veriton X270 business desktops to suits with egos

With a name like Veriton X270, it just has to be good, right? Um, not entirely. While the label may give off the impression that Acer's latest desktop is destined for gamers, the actual component list proves otherwise. Indeed, this rig was tailor made for suits in corner offices, though it does offer an impressive list of Excel-crunching hardware. We're talking a Core 2 Duo CPU, NVIDIA's GeForce 7100 graphics, up to 4GB of DDR2 memory, a 500GB SATA HDD, a DVD writer, gigabit Ethernet, Windows Vista Business and support for 5.1-channel audio. Said machine is available for ordering today in North America with a starting tag of $399.Filed under:

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