24.03.2009 11:21 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Nokia Aeon for sale next week in Holland? No way.

The Nokia Aeon is two parts myth, and one-part conceptual Photoshop courtesy of a 2006 Nokia R&D exercise. Now a freebie daily newspaper in The Netherlands is set to build on the legend with an advertisement claiming that the Nokia Aeon will be on sale next week from a site called Bestelmaar. A claim the on-line retailer carries on the banner of its home page. According to the advert, the AEON will carry an OLED touchscreen, 32GB storage (sure), a 12.1 megapixel camera (right), GPS, high-speed Internet, and measure just 9-mm thin making it thinner than the Toshiba TG01 (no fracking way). Look, we know you can download all the copyrighted conten

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