29.03.2008 13:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Mesiro Merium media PC has sleek, sexy down pat

Filed under: Home Entertainment, Media PCs Those on the hunt for a pre-fabricated HTPC can't complain about a lack of choices these days, but if you've yet to be taken aback by anything out there, why not give Mesiro's Merium a glance? The standout feature here isn't the 1.66GHz Core 2 Duo T5500 processor, 250GB internal HDD, dual-layer DVD burner, GMA950 graphics accelerator, WiFi, 5-in-1 multicard reader or the bundled MCE remote -- oh no, it's the interchangeable chassis covers (weird, right?). Yep, you can swap out the covers on this rig whenever you feel the urge, ensuring that there's a case for every occa

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