10.03.2008 23:21 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

LaCie silently launches Mobile Disk, Desktop Hard Disk

Filed under: Storage LaCie's been known to launch a few products under the cover of darkness before, and sure enough, it's decided to do just that with a trifecta of new externals. Starting from the top, we've got the 1TB Desktop Hard Disk, which sports a USB 2.0 port (only) and an exceedingly simplistic black design. Next up is the more compact 250GB - 500GB Desktop Hard Disk, which sports the same name (and sole USB socket) but a much less bulky chassis. Lastly, the Mobile Disk comes in 80GB, 120GB, 160GB, 250GB and 320GB sizes, fits in most cargo pockets and get

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