11.12.2023 17:18 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Amazon knocks up to 53 percent off Blink Outdoor 4 security camera packs

You can pick up Blink 4 security cameras for up to 53 percent off, via Amazon. The most notable deal here is a combo pack that includes both the fourth-gen Blink Outdoor camera and the Mini indoor camera. That comes out to $72, a discount of 53 percent or a whopping $83 slashed from the MSRP of $155. The Blink Outdoor 4 is the crown jewel in the company’s lineup. There’s a reason, after all, why it made our list of the best smart home devices. The camera may have “outdoor” right in the name, but this is a fantastic option for both indoor and outdoor use. They run on AA batteries and last up to two years before those cells need replacing. These cameras are weather-resistant and offer support for night vision, motion detection and two-way audio. This is a wireless camera and clips are stored in the cloud if you have a Blink Subscription Plan, but you can also store them locally via a USB flash drive. The camera works with Alexa, but just Alexa, so other digital assistants are left out i

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