08.12.2023 19:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Threads countdown hints at EU launch on December 14

After much speculation and waiting, Threads is finally launching in Europe. Meta’s social media app will likely release in the EU on December 14, just in time to post photos of holiday dinners or whatever. There’s no official announcement by Zuck and the gang, but there is a countdown timer on Instagram appearing for EU users. These users will find a ticket within the app that advertises the pending release for the Twitter-like platform. The timer is also available on the Threads website, but only for those clicking from EU-based IP addresses, as reported by The Verge. Finally, European Instagram users can simply search for “ticket” to find a scannable QR code that announces the forthcoming launch. We don’t know, however, which countries in the EU will get the app on December 14. Engadget reached out to Meta and will update this story if we hear back. So what’s been the holdup? Meta has had trouble complying with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). Meta and other tech

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