06.01.2022 16:27 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Leaker Says iPhone 14 Pro to Feature Face ID Under the Display

iPhone 14 Pro models will feature a hole-punch display design, with the notch removed, according to Twitter leaker @dylandkt, who has proven to be a reliable source of Apple-related rumors over the last year or so. To accommodate this change, the leaker said Face ID hardware will be moved under the display. A hole-punch design refers to a display with only a small circular cutout for the front camera, as seen on some Samsung smartphones. The information was shared in a tweet: I am able to corroborate information regarding a hole punch camera for the pro models of the iPhone 14. Face ID hardware will be placed under the display. As a reassurance to any concerns, the functionality of these sensors have not been negatively affected by this change.— Dylan (@dylandkt) January 6, 2022 More details to follow…This article, "Leaker Says iPhone 14 Pro to Feature Face ID Under the Display" first appeared on MacRumors.comDiscuss this article in our forums

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